Take Action: Be Part of the Solution
This is a critical issue! We need a fast and firm commitment from Florida Legislators to ensure increased funding to reduce the DD Waitlist.
How do we fix the waitlist?
We need to advocate for a multi-year commitment from the Florida Legislature for a sustained increase in additional funding that will result in a substantial reduction (if not elimination) of the waitlist. Incremental solutions are taking too long, and progress is slow. For example, a reduction of 2000 people per year would still take over 10 years to eliminate the waitlist! There is also new demand due to the aging of family caregivers, and the increasing population of Florida with DD who are applying for the iBudget waiver. During 2022, 2,085people left the waitlist due to either being enrolled into the iBudget DD waiver, or had moved out of state, or no longer needed services, or had died. However, 1,698 new people were added throughout the year.
Floridians with DD need to be prioritized NOW to support their independence, protect health and safety, their quality of life, and provide much needed assistance to their family caregivers. This support is essential for Floridians with DD to lead fully inclusive lives in their community and to pursue their goals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Take Action!
Advocacy Resources
Florida Center for Inclusive Communities &
Florida Center for Inclusive Communities